This goes in the list of Application Window Properties. The idea is
that this holds the previous state of a window that has been
temporarily changed by the window manager, e.g. while maximized or
fullscreen. If the user switches or restarts his window manager, this
information is currently lost, giving unexpected results when trying
to restore the state. This property gives the new window manager the
information it needs to restore the window properly.

One issue is that of ordering width and height vs. x and y. The
--geometry argument typically uses width, height, x, y, whereas
_NET_WORKAREA uses x, y, width, height. I've chosen width, height, x,
y for now. Another question is whether or not the client should be
allowed to change these values. I've decided for now that it may alter
them only from withdrawn state.

_NET_WM_NORMAL_GEOMETRY width, height, x, y, CARDINAL[4]/32

Array of four cardinals that defines the size and position to which
the window should be restored when changing window state. The values
should be set according to the same rules as WM_NORMAL_HINTS given in
ICCCM Section This property SHOULD be updated by the window
manager whenever a change in _NET_WM_STATE corresponds to a change in
window geometry. A client MAY change this property from the Withdrawn
state but MUST NOT change it while the window is being managed.

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