> i disagree with the ordering - -geometry is the way it is because of parsing
> ans spacing - this is a command-lin e argument. different from PROPERITES. all
> other netwm PROPERTIES are X,Y,WIDTH,HEIGHT - which is actually the most 
> common
> order you see such geometry in API calls for creating and moving/resizing
> windows, drawing boxes etc. etc. i see no good reason to re-order the 
> arguments
> in a property based on the ordering in just 1 command-line argument.

Fair enough. It was a rather arbitrary decision, anyway. I figured
there might be circumstances where size would be provided but not
coordinates. On the other hand, maybe just the opposite will occur
with future _NET_WM_STATE properties. I don't think there's a natural
way to allow for these with just one window property, anyway.

Any other problems?

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