On Fri, 2 Apr 2010, Johann Haarhoff wrote:

 > I made a mockup of what I am aiming for in the cairo branch (in terms of
 > WINGs): http://imgur.com/wJPga.png

nice, very nice! i (mostly) like it!

 > I have not convinced myself about the triangles in the drop-down lists yet,
 > but luckily I have plenty of work before I have to make a decision.

the triangles i don't like in this form. it's not that they are 
triangles, but they look... strange. i *think* it's because of the 
shadows. try this: http://dawn.dev.hu/~ice/tmp/wingdrop.png

the first two have most of the shadows removed, the third a bit less, 
the fourth a bit less less, and the bottom one is the original.

upon closer look i think that your way makes the triangle "lift off" 
from the surface, whereas removing a bit of the shadow makes more like 
beveled than taking off.

 > I tried to stay close to the Next look, but yet make things a bit more
 > modern. Too much?

certainly not. i don't quite understand what's wrong with the original 
slider, but if the one in your mockup is the trendy today, i can live 
with that.

apart from this (and this isn't a "not like", but a "don't understand, 
but don't oppose") and that the triangles need a tiny bit of a 
touch-up, full marks.


mkdir /nonexistent

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