On Sun, Aug 7, 2011 at 2:26 PM, Carlos R. Mafra <crma...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Sun,  7 Aug 2011 at  7:00:35 +0300, Jason Brower wrote:
> > I feel there could be a vast number of improvements in windowmaker
> > because of technologies that didn't exist are not common place.
> What do you think windowmaker should do that is not currently doing?
> * There is currently nothing to handle notifications. I would like to see
something more unified with other desktops in terms of interface, but very
windowmaker in the solution.
* There is no sound!  It would be nice to have this for better usability.
For example if there is something bad that happens I would like to know
about it.
* I would like to see the ability to change the location and use of buttons
in the top menu, maximize, iconfy, close, etc..
* Setting shortcut keys and other items in the settings is very old school.
I think there is a better way. However I think the menu editor is awesome.
* Scrolling is, umm, funny, not sure how to describe it in.
* It would be nice, with all these faster computer to see some transition
effects when doing things like changing to a new window or moving to another
* The icon support is squarish and horrible looking.  I would love to see
just the icon.  Mac thought this way as well, I I think they are right.
* Icons are not very scalable nor is there SVG support for icons. (At least
that I know of)
* Grouping of similar apps under the same icon would be nice. (Dont' for get
the animation effect, remember we are not in the 90's anymore.)
* I can't remember perfectly right now, but is there a resize by middle
clicking in Windowmaker?  That is so standard for me I would be pissed if I
didn't have that anymore.
* I would like to see an expose or other type of feature to see the actual
window and not just an icon. With over 30 windows on 5 desktops it would be
nice to have something to easily see between them.
I could see some seriously awesome effects that are not hardware intensive
but could really bring WM to a new level. Interface design is part of my
full time job, I code the other half.

> > What would you say is the general direction of WindowMaker in terms
> > of this forked development.
> The main general direction is "stay stable and don't create surprises".
I think it's time to break into some cool ideas, people are looking for
solutions and WM could be brought up to a modern desktop that anyone can

> Small improvements which do not disrupt the workflow people are already
> used to are also a possibility. What those things could be depend on
> the people out there and the patches they write.
Yup, I totally agree, the problem is that we haven't embrace some other new
features that are not expected in a modorn desktop, so users are becoming
confused as to how things should be working.

> So the secondary general direction is "if you'd like to improve some area
> and write a patch, it will probably be accepted".
Cool, I really like this idea as we need to features and no just

> People have already improved wmaker this way, e.g. someone (Johann
> Haarhoff)
> once thought that it would be nice to have a shortcut key for left/right
> maximization and _wrote_ a patch doing that. That was a nice non-disruptive
> wmaker-like improvement!
Yes, I remember that one, it was somewhere around the time I mentioned we
should have a "maximize to available space" shortcut or button.

> Another direction is "code cleanups". If the code is well organized and
> easy
> to understand, it's easier to eventually add things to it.
Cool, I think I see alot of that in the code as I watch the new commits.
Jason Brower

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