On Fri, 24 Feb 2012 09:19:49 +0000, Carlos R. Mafra wrote:
On Fri, 24 Feb 2012 at 10:35:53 +0200, Rodolfo kix Garcia wrote:

In debian, the /usr/bin/wmaker is an script. This script checks if
the user has the GNUstep folder. If the folder exists, then launch
/usr/share/WindowMaker/wmaker (binary), else, copy the GNUstep
default files and then launch the wmaker binary.

I have my GNUstep folder since more than 12 years now. Having a script
checking whether it exists or not everytime I start wmaker is not
something I would want to have. The overhead may be negligible, but
I don't want to have one like this.

Ok, is only an option. But, think about a system with multiusers and xdm/gdm/kdm,... (university, school,...)

What's happend when the user login the first time using the current wmaker installation? The user don't have the configuration files, and then, the wmaker couldn't continue. With the "debian option", no problem.

||// //\\// Rodolfo "kix" Garcia
||\\// //\\ http://www.kix.es/

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