begin  quoting Leonardo Menezes Vaz as of Thu, Feb 23, 2012 at 11:34:18PM -0200:
> > So at least the wmvolman dockapp should be installed by default
> > on any distro offering wmaker. And I'd also add wmsystemtray to
> > the list.
> I agree with the "dockapp approach", but perhaps the idea of a
> built-in systray dock should be considered for Window Maker 1.x in a
> near future.

Can someone explain to me the obsession with having a systray?

I honestly don't get why so many people are so enamoured of the idea.
What am I missing?

> A simple merge of code or writing a systray from scratch could be
> considered. In the first case the number of lines would increase
> around 2.71%, and the second less than this. In both cases the users
> would have a nice and fast Desktop with a system tray out of the box!!

Just remember to make a preference entry to turn it off. :)

Stewart Stremler

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