Quoth Carlos R. Mafra,
The patches are going to be applied, they are very cool and have
a lot of potential.

Ironically I have been a little counterproductive to myself (hopefully not to users in general) with this work.

I like Window Maker for many reasons but its use of app icons is not among them. I don't like icons on my desktop and I just find they get in the way. On my (small screen) laptop I have no dock and the icons set to 24x24 arranged at the top of the screen. I then run xfce4-panel set to a height 24 at the top and it covers the icons. By setting "don't cover icons" I could ensure that maximisation didn't clash with the panel and I'd never have to see them again.

My desktop has normal 64x64 icons down the side of the screen where I can mostly ignore them. I found that windows would try to place under the panel, which was annoying. Now with partial strut support the panel is protected and life is good on the desktop. Back on the laptop the icons now refuse to hide under the panel because they respect its strut.

I can think of two possible solutions. Either add a preference to make icons ignore struts and go wherever they like or add a preference to refrain from placing icons at all. Does anyone else share my dislike of desktop clutter and have an opinion either way?

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