On 11/16/12, Iain Patterson <w...@iain.cx> wrote:
>    With these two extra patches there should be no more drifting.
>    Exit Window Maker?  No drifting.
>    Restart Window Maker?  No drifting.
>    Start Window Maker on an unmanaged display?  No drifting.
>    Toggle a window's border on or off in the inspector?  No drifting.
>    Managing and unmanaging windows which already had borders?  No
> drifting.
>    Managing a previously maximised window?  No drifting.
>    Also no overlapping titlebars on new windows.

There has always been a case of drifting whenever an X window resized
itself manually. For example, create a Java Swing application that
uses its own theme (i.e. not the WM theme but the spiffy looking blue
boxes, etc.). If you resize said window that is created, the window
slowly drifts down right. It also happens in OpenOffice/LibreOffice
too whenever a menubar is opened.

Does it no longer occur in these cases?

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