On Tue, 27 Nov 2012, Rodolfo García Peñas (kix) wrote:
did you try the current "next" branch? This problem is not fully solved, but I think the button does things.

I'm running the next branch and it's not working correctly. Here's what I see:

1. Start xcalc and open Icon and Initial Workspace inspector you probably will see the icon pointing to a file in the cache and the Ignore client supplied icon option ticked

2. Delete the file name from the text field and untick the Ignore option then click save and check that there is no section now for XCalc in WMWindowAttributes. This should be the initial state when an application is first run. Now you can continue testing.

3. Close xcalc then start it again and see what happened in the inspector. Also check what's in WMWindowAttributes and note that the Ignore attribute is not consistent. (It is checked in the GUI but not set in the config.) All this should not happen as the cached image should not be added to the config file at the first place but let's continue testing.

4. Uncheck the Ignore option in the inspector and try to select an icon then click apply. See that nothing happens.

5. Click save, the icon has changed now in the appicon and also set in the config file but try to minimise the window and see that the miniwindow does not have the correct icon.

6. Now just close the app and restart it. Try minimising the window and the icon is now also set in the miniwindow. Check the inspector and see that the Ignore option is magically ticked now while it's still not set in WMWindowAttributes.

I think there are still some things left to fix to untangle this mess as this cannot be the correct behaviour. Most of this seems to be some breakage of the Ignore client supplied icon option.


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