On Thu, 21 Mar 2013 at  9:33:25 +0000, Rodolfo García Peñas (kix) wrote:
> If Carlos thinks that we should work only in bugs, not in big/deep
> changes what will happend? Perhaps is not bad idea stop here for a
> while with deep changes.

I should say I'm a bit nervous about deep changes at this point, that's

But hey, if deep changes occur as the result of _many_ patches each
doing one small obviously-correct-and-showing-good-taste change at a
time, then why not?

For example, I really liked your six patches from yesterday (they
reduce the text size of wmaker and they make the code more straightforward).
If you think your deep changes can be built upon these kind of
building blocks, then you should go for it.

But needless to say, I would feel more confortable if more people
step in and review the code. Asking a few questions and trying to
come up with scenarios where things would break would be helpful.

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