2 considerations on this subject:

- a code which appears to be stable is not necessarily correct (Heisenbugs
are uncomfortably common :/)
- besides reviewing the code many people can use the next branch and test
new versions



On Thu, Mar 21, 2013 at 7:16 AM, Carlos R. Mafra <crma...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Thu, 21 Mar 2013 at  9:33:25 +0000, Rodolfo García Peñas (kix) wrote:
> >
> > If Carlos thinks that we should work only in bugs, not in big/deep
> > changes what will happend? Perhaps is not bad idea stop here for a
> > while with deep changes.
> I should say I'm a bit nervous about deep changes at this point, that's
> all.
> But hey, if deep changes occur as the result of _many_ patches each
> doing one small obviously-correct-and-showing-good-taste change at a
> time, then why not?
> For example, I really liked your six patches from yesterday (they
> reduce the text size of wmaker and they make the code more
> straightforward).
> If you think your deep changes can be built upon these kind of
> building blocks, then you should go for it.
> But needless to say, I would feel more confortable if more people
> step in and review the code. Asking a few questions and trying to
> come up with scenarios where things would break would be helpful.
> --
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Haroldo Gambini Santos
Computing Department
Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto - UFOP
email: haroldo [at ] iceb.ufop.br
home/research page: www.decom.ufop.br/haroldo

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