On Sat,  5 Oct 2013 at  2:35:13 +0200, Rodolfo García Peñas wrote:
> > > May I suggest, as this is a global variable, to place it the the
> > > global structure instead? You could define something like:
> > > 
> > >   struct {
> > >     WMFont *font_for_name;
> > >   } workspace;
> > > 
> > > and put it somewhere around src/WindowMaker.h:483
> > > That way, the variable would be accessed via:
> > >   w_global.workspace.font_for_name
> > > which would make it look a bit more expressive from my point of view.
> > 
> > That's a good idea.
> I wrote these patches three times. These patches were before the
> Christophe patches, with the new variable scheme. It is frustrating.

I totally understand your frustation and in this case I'm responsible
for most of it.

But on the other hand it's a positive sign that Christophe spent time
to review your patches and propose changes. And his suggestion makes
a lot of sense and "unifies" your ideas with his. That's why there is
a clash now.

> I am trying to upload these patches because I have a lot of patches
> here with more stuff, and I am waiting for them to continue, but no.

I see, but if one doesn't modify the patches after review by others
then the purpose of review is more or less defeated.

Your patches are fine as they stand and I thank you for the work you
did in the different iterations, but I also cannot lightly dismiss what
I think is a good idea to improve your work.

I'm open to suggestions about how to proceed. In principle uploading
the patches now is also OK. Would it be too problematic to implement
Christophe's idea later on or is it better to use this unified approach
from the start?

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