On Thu, 5 Jun 2014, Josip Deanovic wrote:
As said in the subject, double-click on an application in wmdock
does not launch the application in case there is an instance of
the application already running.

As I heard from a friend of mine it used to work in 0.95.3 and
previous versions of Windowmaker with "Shared application icon"
check box turned on for a specific application that has been
added to wmdock.

With version 0.95.5 and version from current git repository it
is not the case any more. It is possible to launch additional
instance by using right-click and selecting "Launch" option
but this really sucks.

Is this behavior intentional?

I don't think it ever worked the way you describe or if it did it was probably a bug. What used to work and should still work is starting additional instances with Ctrl+double click. So I think this is intentional and not a regression.


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