Quoting message written on Monday 2014-06-09 10:43:25 by Yury:
> Yes, yes, but hadn't this behaviour been there
> "since ever"? You mention the 0.95.4 as a
> milestone for this change, and I fairly well
> remember having to <right click>\Launch to get
> an additional instances of xterm as far back as
> 0.92/0.93, and I definitely remember this wmaker
> behaviour in 2009. So I'm wondering, might you
> be talking about something (subtly) different?

I have tested 0.80.2, 0.95.3, 0.95.4 and 0.95.5.
The behavior I have described has changed in 0.95.4.

Maybe you are talking about app icon while I am
referring to an app icon dragged into the wmdock?

> Personally, I wouldn't mind the change of this
> behaviour, anyway. Right now the icon of the app
> already launched does nothing useful on
> single/double click and just takes up the screen
> space.
> That, or completely do without the icons' strips
> of any kind. Optionally, if you please. You can
> already switch off the Dock and the Clip, why
> not dispense with the icons completely?

I am disabling app icon for every single application
I use so app icons don't really bother me because I
see them only once per application (first time I launch
an application).

Josip Deanovic

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