On Sat, 20 Sep 2014 at 11:51:06 +0200, Amadeusz Sławiński wrote:
> On Sat, 20 Sep 2014 17:04:02 +0800
> David Maciejak <david.macie...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > That is the behaviour i have without the patch (and that's why i
> > called it mixed up windows list):
> > 
> > 1 has focus
> > alt-tab (next window) show
> > 1 [2] 3
> > 2 has focus
> > alt-tab show
> > 2 [1] 3
> > 1 has focus
> > alt-tab show
> > 1 [2] 3
> > press another alt-tab, select 3
> > 1 2 [3]
> > 3 has focus
> > alt-tab show
> > 3 [1] 2
> > another alt-tab to 2, show
> > 3 1 [2]
> > 2 has focus
> > alt-tab show
> > 2 [3] 1
> > 
> > To do that i just configured the "Focus next window" in WPrefs to
> > alt-tab. But as said that behaviour is sounding more like move focus
> > back to previous focused window.
> > 
> > > A, B, [C], D
> > > now I alt-tab again and with this patch it goes to D
> > > A, B, C, [D]
> > 
> > yes that was what i was expecting from "Focus next window"
> > 
> > > [A], B, C, D
> > > I 'alt-tab' and while keeping alt down, I 'tab' more and end up on
> > > let's say C
> > > A, B, [C], D
> > > with old behaviour I am back on A
> > > [A], B, C, D
> > 
> > That's focus on previous focused window.
> > I can understand that feature is useful but not really expected.
> I've checked some other operating systems and OS X and Windows XP (both
> using switchpanels) bring application you change to, to the front of the
> window list. I would say it makes a lot of sense in keyboard driven
> windows management. People usually work with few applications and want
> to change between them instantly, without going through a whole list
> (especially if they have a lot of windows open), so it makes a lot of
> sense to keep recently used ones closer on list.
> Imagine for example:
> webbrowser, xterm, xterm, xterm, mailapp, xterm, xterm, xterm, xterm
> with task being: copying stuff from webbrowser to mailapp.
> With your patch you would need each time focus on where your browser and
> mailapp are and go through all those xterms when changing windows,
> instead of instantly changing between them.

Precisely! What David wants to fix is actually more of a semantic
problem. In practice, the current behaviour is much more desirable
for the reason you pointed out.

And quite frankly, we cannot change such a behaviour right now.
Long-time wmaker users will just be annoyed, and they are wmaker's
biggest asset.

> But yes, I've checked and I confirm that it doesn't work too well with
> mouse bindings ("Next Window" keeps changing just between two windows,
> instead of going through list) which, as I understand is the way you
> want to use it.

I think the way out is to introduce an option to select between
David's and the current behaviour. Something along the lines
of "Strict focus next behaviour" with default off and many
comments about it being useful for the mouse bindings (perhaps
in balloon texts).

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