> Strange, it works for me.

So you do not need to click to select the miniwindow and then click
again to raise the window (double-click quickly)?  I remember having
single-click working on the WindowMaker about a year ago.

I'd like to help figure out the problem.  Here are further details:

- Other settings changes, such as window animation (zoom, rotate,
etc.), take effect immediately from WPrefs.

- I am running WPrefs from the Configure Window Maker menu entry
that's set to "/usr/lib/GNUstep/Applications/WPrefs.app/WPrefs"

- I am using a custom directory for the settings with
GNUSTEP_USER_ROOT=""${HOME}/gnustep" in my ".bashrc".  I see the
variable exported properly when running "set".  I'm confident that
setup is working because settings changes take effect immediately and
persist across sessions.  Moreover, I also tried symlinking ~/GNUSTEP
to ~/gnustep in case there was a path problem, but all my settings
remained in effect and took effect permanently when changed, yet
single click still did not work.

-  I confirmed that ~/gnustep/Defaults/WindowMaker contains
"SingleClickLaunch = YES;".

Any further suggestions for testing?



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