Wishful thinking on my part.  I had seen about the presser this 
afternoon with the local sheriff's department...and that alone pushes 
this thing into Monday morning.

The sole hope I have, at this point, is that Mr. Heene doesn't profit 
from this little mess, and that perhaps he and his wife will realize 
that you can't drag a very unwilling 6 year-old all over national TV 
because you want the publicity.

Teresa L Crittenden wrote:
> Gone?  Unfortunately, no.  Had the obligatory Today Show appearance. 
> Kid puking on air while Dad tries to explain what he meant by, "You said 
> we did it for the show."
> Local sheriff is, again, very interested.
> tlc
> On Fri, Oct 16, 2009 at 12:58 PM, Mike Ward wrote:
>> Glenda Collins wrote:
>>> True, probably a ploy by the family to get funding, increasing their 
>>> fame for their lame projects.  Can we send them a bill for all the 
>>> useless airtime given to this.  Even AC360 had to chime in, which I 
>>> was hoping last night didn't happen.
>>> Okay consider it gone, I won't comment anymore.
>> My last comment on this as well.  I bet Balloon Daddy didn't count on 
>> America hating his guts, and feeling sorry for the 6 year-old being 
>> used by his father in a poorly conceived publicity stunt, did he?
>> I hope for bliss here...blissful silence from anyone named "Heene" 
>> after today.
> > 

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