     The Learning Kingdom's Cool Word of the Day for July 9, 1999

                        albedo [n. al-BEE-doh]


An object's albedo is the fraction of electromagnetic radiation that is
reflected from its surface.  Usually, the word refers to visible light, and
the object is a celestial body.  Example: "The Earth's overall albedo is
higher during winter in the northern hemisphere, when so much ground is
covered with snow."

In Late Latin, albedo was whiteness, from Latin albus (white).  That root
gave us many "whiteness" words, including these:

albino: person or animal lacking pigment
album: originally, an autograph book
albite: white variety of the mineral feldspar
albumen: the white of an egg
albescent: becoming white or whitish
aubade: music about the breaking of day
auburn: reddish brown, from Old French aborne (blond)

Today's Cool Fact is about the albedo of one of Saturn's moons:

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