   The Learning Kingdom's Cool Word of the Day for October 8, 1999

                  humectant [n., adj. hyoo-MEK-tunt]


If something is a humectant, then it promotes retention of moisture.
Such a substance is a moistening agent.  Example: "Among the finest
humectants for potting soil are the polymer hydrogels, which take up
water and keep it available for the roots of thirsty plants."

This word's Latin lineage traces back through humectare (to moisten)
and humectus (moist) to humere (to be moist).  From the same root we
have humid (moist, usually of air), and humidity (dampness of air).

There is also the humidor [n. HYOO-mih-dor], a tight-lidded container
designed to preserve a moist interior environment, and the humidistat
[n. hyoo-MIH-dih-stat], a sensor and controller that maintains a set
level of humidity.

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