Hi Rainer,

> However I just did exactly this 10 minutes ago. Removed OpenOffice,
> FireFox and some other programs manually via the control panel. Then
> invoked WPKG service again and all the programs got re-installed.

I followed this discussion carefully and it remembered me of a problem
which  arose these days when a new version of firefox was distributed via
Mozilla's update servers.

Firefox updated itself, e.g. to Revision Next time Wpkg starts,
the uninstall check looks for (which of course is missing then)
reinstalls the old version, until the xml on the server is updated, too.
If I remember right, this hasn't been so with 0.9.x versions of wpkg.

So, setting 'execute="once"' in the firefox packages would prevent this?

Other possibilities I could imagine are:
- disable autoupdate in prefs.js (which I won't prefer for security reasons)
- include logical "or" check for the next Revision, e.g. within
the recent 20013 package (see here:

What do you think?

* Is there a chance to do something like a "include" in xml (see the
template package in the above link for repeating parts of packages)?

* Does your way of installing firefox using unattended.cmd prevent the

> My Firefox XML:
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
> <packages>
> <package id='Firefox' name='Mozilla Firefox' revision='20013'
> priority='50' reboot='false' >
>    <!-- Mozilla Firefox Webbrowser -->
>    <check type='uninstall' condition='exists' path='Mozilla Firefox
> (' />
>    <install cmd='"%SOFTWARE%\software.free\Firefox
> v.\unattended.cmd"' />
>    <remove cmd='"%SOFTWARE%\software.free\Firefox
> v.\unattended-uninstall.cmd"' />
>    <upgrade cmd='"%SOFTWARE%\software.free\Firefox
> v.\unattended.cmd"' />
> </package>
> </packages>
> The unattended*.cmd  scripts do nothing different than installing FF
> unattended.cmd:
> @echo off
> set BINARY=Firefox Setup de.exe
> set INSTALL_LOC=%~dp0
> set PROG_FILES=%ProgramFiles%
> if not "%ProgramFiles(x86)%" == "" set PROG_FILES=%ProgramFiles(x86)%
> echo Installing Mozilla FireFox
> start /wait "Firefox" "%INSTALL_LOC%%BINARY%" /S
> echo Setting default browser
> start /wait "Firefox defaults" "%PROG_FILES%\Mozilla
> Firefox\firefox.exe" -silent -nosplash -setDefaultBrowser
> REM Cleanup
> call "%INSTALL_LOC%cleanup.cmd"
> exit /B %EXIT_CODE%

Thanx in advance,

Falko Trojahn                     fon +49-341-3581294
Dipl-Ingenieur Netzwerke/Support  fax +49-341-3581295

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