Hallo Rainer,

thanx for your quick and detailed answer.

> Falko Trojahn wrote:
>> Firefox updated itself, e.g. to Revision Next time Wpkg
>> starts,
>> the uninstall check looks for (which of course is missing then)
>> and
>> reinstalls the old version, until the xml on the server is updated, too.
> This is true - but non-admin users cannot do the auto-update (most users
> should be non-administrators). This is exactly the intended behavior.
Yes, but sometimes we have applications, you know, only working with
administrator rights ...

> The Administrator decides which version is to be installed. As long as
> is the supported version it should be installed (and not
> another one). In case the administrator decides that is allowed
> as well (but not distributed) he might just extend the package check and
> add version as valid as well (even without actually installing
> it).
>> If I remember right, this hasn't been so with 0.9.x versions of wpkg.
> This I don't know - but if it was like this, then I would consider it as
> a bug. Leaving installed (while is actually not
> installed any more) is not the intention of a system administrator.
>> So, setting 'execute="once"' in the firefox packages would prevent this?
> Yes, in this case the check will not be done on each synchronization. So
> no matter if the user removes or upgrades the supported version WPKG
> will not take any action (just assuming is still in place).
> NOTE: WPKG will also not re-install in case the user removes FF
> completely.
Yes, this is the main problem in this case.

>> Other possibilities I could imagine are:
>> - disable autoupdate in prefs.js (which I won't prefer for security
>> reasons)
> Why not? The system administrator decides which version is to be used in
> hes environment and which version is tested and compatible with
> corporate environment. Sometimes (most often) compatibility checks take
> somewhat more time than 5 minutes - so sysadmins might not like that all
> users automatically upgrade to any new version immediately.
> Additionally FF (AFAIK) fixed this strange behavior that it is
> downloading and trying to install an update even if the user has no
> rights to install it (non-admin). Therefore normal users are not asked
> to upgrade by FF itself.
Instead FF does the update without prior notification now ... and only
asks if you want to restart now or later =8<<

>> - include logical "or" check for the next Revision, e.g. within
>> the recent 20013 package (see here:
>> http://wpkg.org/Firefox#Firefox_with_extensions_and_default_profile)
> Yes, this is an option - as outlined above. I still think it's not the
> best option to give this choice to the user. The Administrator should
> actually take care of the upgrade itself.

> By the way - this "problem" is only caused by software packages which
> use their version number within the uninstall entry in the control
> panel. Actually I think applications should NOT use the version within
> the description string there. Most applications don't do (especially not
> showing patch-revision within this string).
Full Ack.

> The opposite you can do for your FF package. If you don't want to verify
> that a specific FF version is installed (which is inherently done when
> checking for the uninstall entry which contains the version number) then
> just check for the file _existence_ (not version) of the firefox.exe file.
Yes, you are right. In the mean time (after sending the mail of course :)
I had the idea to use "versiongreaterorequal" here, like in:

<check type="file" condition="versiongreaterorequal"
path="%programfiles%\mozilla firefox\firefox.exe"

But this seems even unpossible to me, since in the properties of
firefox.exe we have a "file version" changing from " 2008020121"
to "1.8.20080.31114"  and a "product version" changing from to
Or can we distinguish between "file version" and "product version" within
the checks?

So, I'll next try checking only the existence of "firefox.exe". But I fear
that in the case there Firefox is already on the workstation and wpkg is
newly installed: this check succeeds with any (older) version of Firefox,
and nothing is done.

>> BTW:
>> * Is there a chance to do something like a "include" in xml (see the
>> template package in the above link for repeating parts of packages)?
> I don't think this is easily possible. WPKG web-gui could provide such a
> thing probably...
>> * Does your way of installing firefox using unattended.cmd prevent the
>> old-version-install?
> No. As I wrote above - if WPKG is configured to verify the version and
> executes the unattended.cmd script then I assume it is my real intention
> to enforce this version to be installed. If not, I just make sure that
> the checks are true no matter which version of FF the user installed.
> Of course you can also modify unattended.cmd to do some additional
> checks (for example checking that the version is or higher, and
> NOT lower) and then skip installation. However this is truly application
> specific since this checks will look different for each application. So
> it's entirely correct to move them to a FF-specific unattended.cmd.
> The only drawback in this case would be that the checks of WPKG would
> always return false (uninstall entry not available) and then call
> unattended.cmd which probably skips installation completely as a newer
> version is already installed. I know this would be a very quick
> execution, but nevertheless it would require invoking of unattended.cmd
> each time unless the admin is going to upgrade the package.
Yes, this could be an option.

> Small side-note: There is a change request which request an extension to
> allow version checking of the uninstall entry as well. This will
> probably be part of WPKG 1.1+. Unfortunately I just checked and Firefox
> is using a version string like " (en-US)". I think it's an
> absolutely bad idea to put " (en-US)" to the version string - while
> keeping the version number within the uninstall string as well ("Mozilla
> Firefox ("). This would make a version equal check more
> difficult for this specific package. But for lots of other packages this
> might improve the situation. For FF it will anyway not help unless they
> finally remove this silly version tag from the uninstall entry.
Perhaps a "versiongreaterorequal" in uninstall string would be an option,
but with different software we will have different version numbering
schemes ...

Best regards,

Falko Trojahn                     fon +49-341-3581294
Dipl-Ingenieur Netzwerke/Support  fax +49-341-3581295
SMI Softmark Informationstechnologien GmbH

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