Hi !

I'am a new user of wpkg ( version 1.1M6) with wpkg_web. I'm using the 
wpkg-client 1.3.6 on the client ... Everything is OK.

But i can't find any way to have the download functionnality working.

I always get the same error : "Invaid download target specified : null" 
( with invaid, not invalid )

Here's what I'm doing :

- added <param name='downloadDir' value='c:\\temp' /> in config.xml, as 
written in CHANGELOG of version 1.1 M6.
I tried %HOMEDRIVE% and another share \\\\ntinstall\\install\\packages
I also tried slashes instead backslashes

- here's the package i'm using (written in wpkg_web )
    <package id="firefox3" name="Firefox version 3" revision="300" 
priority="1" reboot="false">
        <!-- Téléchargement et installation de firefox 3 -->
            <download lang="ALL" 
saveto="essai/Firefox Setup 3.0.5.exe"/>
            <check type="uninstall" condition="exists" path="Mozilla 
Firefox (3.0.5)"/>
            <install cmd="taskkill /F /IM Firefox.exe">
                <exit code="0"/>
                <exit code="128"/>
            <install cmd="c:\temp\essai\Firefox Setup 3.0.5.exe -ms"/>
            <remove cmd="%PROGRAMFILES%\Mozilla 
Firefox\uninstall\helper.exe /s"/>
            <upgrade cmd="taskkill /F /IM Firefox.exe">
                <exit code="0"/>
                <exit code="128"/>
            <upgrade cmd="c:\temp\essai\Firefox Setup 3.0.5.exe -ms"/>

- don't think if it's usefull, but added "wget.exe' in tools directory

- wpkg.js is located at \\wksapps\wpkg$\ , i would like to be able to 

- Before posting, I googled a lot, searched in 
http://wpkg.linuxkidd.com/ and wpkg.org, and even in svn repositories...

What am I missing ?

Best regards

Nicolas Lebrun

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