On 1/28/09, Tomasz Chmielewski <man...@wpkg.org> wrote:
> Nicolas LEBRUN schrieb:
> > Thanks Rainer, for this answer...
> >
> > Actually, I think I won't use wpkg_web anymore ... or try to see if a
> > minor adaptation of wpkg-web could repair...
> >
> > Just hope another front-end to wpkg will appear ... In fact, I
> > personnaly don't need it but some admins in our high schools would
> > appreciate...
> You may check wpkgExpress: http://mscdex.blogspot.com/search/label/wpkg
> I didn't use it, so can't tell much about it - any feedback,
> screenshots, working demo... here on the list would be appreciated.
> --
> Tomasz Chmielewski
> http://wpkg.org
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I'm the one who is working on wpkgExpress. I'd like to get a couple more
things implemented before a beta release is made.

Regarding the download functionality, over the Christmas break I worked on a
PHP-based modular download system (works in conjunction with a download tag)
that provides fairly decent, extensible download support. It's not
integrated with wpkgExpress and can be used separately. To date, I've only
created modules for download.com and filehippo (which is based on the bash
script by John Price that was made available on this list awhile back), as
well as a simple download module that essentially works similarly to what
the current wpkg download tag does. I will try and package it up as soon as
I can and make it available online for those who are interested.
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