Hi Paul,

Am Freitag, 2. Oktober 2009 16:42:03 schrieb Paul McGrath:
> I have discovered a revision number issue with my packages.  It happened
>  with Firfox.
> There was a security fix to Firefox 3.5.1 which I made as revision 3511 in
>  my package.  When 3.5.3 came out I changed my revision to 353 but it has
>  not updated a single PC.
> I thought that the revision setting was supposed to be based on 'different'
>  and not on 'greater'.  I have revised a few packages were I have used
>  smaller numbers for the revision but I haven't checked whether they have
>  updated.  Do I presume now that they haven't?
> Please advise.
> Thanks
> Paul

When the revision number decreases, WPKG performs a downgrade.  For that to 
work, you need to add <downgrade cmd="..."/> actions to your package.  But as 
this isn't really a downgrade, I'd recommend to use the real version numbers 
as revisions.  Sth. like "" => "3.5.3" will be correctly interpreted as 
an upgrade while "3511" => "353" will not.

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