Hi Marco,

Am Montag, 5. Oktober 2009 11:27:15 schrieb Marco Gaiarin:
> Mandi! Rainer Meier
>   In chel di` si favelave...
> > This is true as well and has been introduced quite recently by a heavy
> > improvement of the version comparison algorithm.
> A little, probably unrelated question. There's a separator defined for
> 'internal subrevision'?
> EG, for now i use, for firefox:
>       30141
> for 3.0.14 internal revision 1; i use internal revision because i'm
> human and male, so i make mistakes ;), and when i do that, i can fix
> the packege augmenting only the internal revision.
> Can i write now as:
>       3.0.14:1
> or whatever separator i like, : , ; , -, |, ... different from dot to
> mark them explicitly as 'internal revision'?

That should work, yes.  As a Gentoo Linux user, I'm used to internal revision 
numers like 3.0.14-r1 so that's what I'm using and it works, too.  Basically 
it's just a matter of personal preference, most choices will work correctly by 
virtue of WPKG's flexibility :-)

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