Justin Brinegar wrote:
This does not seem to be true for Windows XP. I have not tested this on Windows 7, but if I had to guess I would think it is connection-dependent. The user is asked to configure the Wireless Connection (if applicable) in the OOBE when setting up Windows - which occurs before a login occurs. This deserves some more investigation with multiple wireless authentication schemes.

Our Windows XP and RADIUS-based wireless network only connects once a user is logged in, that is, as per Kevin's description.

To the original poster:
I would investigate forcing the WPKG service to depend on the Wireless Connection. It will not start until the service or system component becomes available. You should be careful with what you select, because you may run into situations that won't let WPKG start. I've only worked with service dependencies on Windows XP, but I'm sure there's documentation out on the net that will help you. Note that the service depends on AFD and TCP/IP by default. That should be a start, in any case.

This sounds fascinating - I might check it out for our needs. I didn't know you could have a service depend on a network connection, but that'd be very handy.

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