Le 18/11/2010 09:15, Gregory Orange a écrit :
On 18/11/2010 8:05 AM, Troy Hamilton wrote:
On Wed, Nov 17, 2010 at 4:31 PM, Jon Rhoades <jrhoa...@svi.edu.au
<mailto:jrhoa...@svi.edu.au>> wrote:
    We need to force encryption between Outlook & Exchange as it's being
    updated to 2010.  The recommended way is to apply a Group policy,
    but since we have Samba...

    The registry key we need to set is:
    with a DWORD value of 1.

I would recommend using Active Setup

Hey thanks Troy, this sounds great. To get access to local user variables such as %UserProfile% and HKCU, we currently call a bunch of scripts from our login script. This will help us get more of our desktop management into wpkg rather than floating out in the login script. Beauty!

Update: I've just had word from another sysadmin that we're already having some success with using it.

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I follow you Greg, we call scripts from our login script when we have to change so users prefs, but this tools seems to be a better way!
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