
> I am trying to run wpkg.js from a scheduled task running as System Account.
> I am getting an access denied error message on line 5351.
> It seems to be because the script tries to init 
> var tempLogPath = new 
> ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell").ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%TEMP%\\wpkg-logInit.log");
> %TEMP% is not available for the System Account, so the resulting var is null.
> I am wondering if I am doing something wrong and what could be the best way 
> to modify the script to make a default log file for instance at the root of 
> the C drive for instance.
> Hope to find some help quickly.
How do you start the scheduled task? Just define a TEMP variable in a
batch file and start "cscript wpkg.js /synchronize" from within the
batch file.

Best regards

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