2011/1/6 LAPLAUD François <lapl...@sdis72.fr>
> ...
> All is going well except that I get this error message :
> [...]
> Initialized temporary local log file: C:\Windows\TEMP\wpkg-logInit.log
> Initializing new log file: \\srv-wds01.sdis72.fr\wpkg\Logs\pc1007-057.W7.log
> Failed to open log file: ACCESS DENIED; falling back to local logging: null
> WPKG 1.1.2 starting...
> Base directory is '\\srv-wds01.sdis72.fr\wpkg-w7'.
> [...]
> I have checked shares and NTFS rights and they seems correct.
> I then types the following command :
> psexec \\pc1007-057 -s cmd /c echo test > 
> \\srv-wds01.sdis72.fr\wpkg\Logs\pc1007-057.W7.log
> And this last command works perfectly (the log file is created... with the 
> text "test" in it)
> Your echo test does seem to indicate that your rights on the server share are 
> correct, which is kind of puzzling. > You might try actually logging into a 
> workstation and running your command:
> cscript \\srv-wds01.sdis72.fr\wpkg-w7\wpkg.js /synchronize /debug
> from within a SYSTEM user command prompt 
> (http://wpkg.org/SYSTEM_user_Command_Prompt).
> I use the same method that you are attempting using beyondexec  
> (http://www.beyondlogic.org/solutions/remoteprocess/BeyondExec.htm), but I 
> don't remember encountering this error.
> Cheers,
> Troy

I've tried to use the systemcmd.bat file to try running 
\\srv-wds01.sdis72.fr\wpkg-w7\wpkg.js /synchronize /debug
And i am getting exactly the same behaviour.

Could this Access Denied message be a Windows 7 restriction on wsh scripts 
under System Account ?
Btw, I think I made a mistake by translating my error message the French Error 
message I am getting is "Permission refusée" wich doesn't mean ACCESS DENIED 
but maybe something more like PERMISSION DENIED.
If you have any clues ...


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