2011/1/7 LAPLAUD François <lapl...@sdis72.fr>:
> Yes, except that you have to install an MSI first I don't understand the need 
> to install specific software with problems which can be caused by this 
> specific software if Windows already handle all my needs : run a script 
> periodically and run it with system privileges.
> But maybe I am missing something.

well, maybe the fact that it is not working for you the way you are
trying to do it :-).

We are using the client with both xp as windows 7 workstations and 2003
and 2008r2 servers (bot x86 as x64) without any trouble. We also run
it from scheduled tasks as well. And installing an msi is just as
easy as it gets, specially if it's part of your unattended deployment.

Besides, if you have a different setup than most people, it will be
harder to find people to debug your problems (as you have found out).

This is, of course, just my opinion. Interesting discussion, indeed.

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