wpkg-users-boun...@lists.wpkg.org scritti il 30/09/2011 10.06.57

> Hi all,
> I used WPKG with Flash Player package since few months ago without
> problems. But with this package http://wpkg.org/Flash_Player (10.3.
> 183.10), i have some troubles :
> - Flash for Mozilla not installed on some PC (bad check on%
> SYSTEMROOT%\system32\Macromed\Flash\NPSWF32.dll, file doesn't exist)
> - Flash for IE and Mozilla installed with WPKG (wpkg.xml is ok on
> computers) but not installed on browers
> Do you have any ideas for these troubles ?

I used the XML package here: http://wpkg.org/Flash_Player

and had no problem. I use the version
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