> Using
> http://wpkg.org/Flash_Player#Combined_32-bit_and_64-bit_Window
> s_package_for_both.2C_IE_and_others
> I have the problem, that the "install_flash_player_ax_32bit.exe
> /install" does nothing  - neither manually nor with wpkg.
> Running install_flash_player_ax_32bit.exe manually without "/install"
> worked - but only once. Next wpkg run does remove it again, 
> that's why I
> excluded the uninstall... commands.
> But now, neither manual nor wpkg install succeeds, even after reboot.
> Any idea?


I have this package running successfully on Win2k, WinXP, Vista and Win7 at 
At work it runs fine on Server 2k3, 2k8 and 2k8 R2.
There only seems to be a problem with Server 2k.

What does the debug log tell you?


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