isn't that a strange term? but do a google search
on it and you'll find a wealth of contexts for the term.
my guess is its fairly synonymous with analogical

here's another paper mentioning the "analogly coded"
which i take to mean in one sense "alive" though perhaps
it has more to do inside-outsides/outside-insides in a stricter
sense.. you tell me! :)

> I'm just not sure what 'analogly coded' actually means.
> Thanks! - Alan
> On Tue, 10 May 2005, Lanny Quarles wrote:
> > thought this bit about "code duality" and the biosemiotics take
> > on the analog and the digital might be of interest here.
> > Wonderful to read this kind of work Alan, Thanks!
> >
> > lq
> >
> > Life, then, exhibits a non-trivial, semiotic, interaction between
> > co-existing messages, the analogly coded message of the organism
> > itself and its redescription in the digital code of DNA. This
> > principle has been termed code-duality (Hoffmeyer and Emmeche
> > As analogly coded messages the organisms recognise and interact
> > each other in the ecological space, while as digitally coded
> > they (after eventual recombination through meiosis and
> > in sexually reproducing species) are passively carried forward in
> > between generations. The essence of heredity is ‘semiotic
survival’ .
> >
> > The joint emergence on our planet of life and code-duality brought
> > from the sphere of difference to the sphere of distinction, i.e.
> > information in the sense of Gregory Bateson's famous definition: "a
> > difference which makes a difference" (Bateson 1970), which is in
> > quite close to a sign in the sense of Peirce. Sebeok’s prophesy
> > that “a full understanding of the dynamics of semiosis may in the
> > analysis turn out to be no less than the definition of life” is
> > mentioning in this connection (Sebeok 1979).
> >
> ( URLs/DVDs/CDroms/books/etc. see )
( URLs/DVDs/CDroms/books/etc. see )

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