Sri Lanka is once again in peril with its national integrity. Sovereignty Of Sri Lanka is being assailed by the most dangerous group of terrorists, the LTTE. It is ironical and sad but true that some of the arms and ammunition which the LTTE used to attack the Sacred Temple of the Tooth, the innocent pilgrims worshipping at the sacred Bo Tree at Anuradhapura and what they will use in future for similar murders of the innocent should have come via Thailand our friendly Buddhist neighbour. 
----- Original Message -----
From: phanero
Sent: Tuesday, November 22, 2005 8:29 AM
Subject: Re: self-pity leads to run on sentences

It is in Sri Lanka, and is kept at Kandy.
The Sinhalese were also very upset when the
ancient tree which was a cutting of the original Bo tree
under which Buddha gained enlightenment was damaged
by the Tamil Tigers.
May I suggest a poem by James Schuyler called "Self-Pity Is A Kind of Lying, Too".  The Buddha both does and doesn't exist, somehow he or his teachings are still a lot more than just another bone.  There are relics, however.  It was a big deal to the countries involved when a tooth of the
Buddha was moved from one country to another, either  from Myanmar to Thailand or vice versa.  I don't remember which, anymore direction the tooth took or in which it was taken.  Anyway, good luck in recovering from self-pity.  I hope it doesn't take too long.  Meditation might help but are you open to it?

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