---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Fri, 2 Dec 2005 15:10:58 -0500 (EST)
From: WWF Conservation Action Network <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Protect Pandas, Polar Bears, and Snow Leopards

Dear Alan,

WWF activists like you are already helping pandas, polar bears, and snow 
leopards in many ways
-- by speaking out against attempts to weaken the Endangered Species Act, 
opposing drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, and supporting 
proposed legislation to protect snow leopards and other wild cats.

Thanks in part to these efforts, the Endangered Species Act is still in place 
and the Arctic Refuge remains wild and free, although both are still at risk.  
We'll be counting on your support on these fronts in the coming months.

But right now, during the holiday season, there's something more that you can 
do for imperiled species:  adopt one!

Go to

"Adopted" polar bears, snow leopards, and pandas make perfect gifts for friends 
and family who care about protecting these animals from threats like climate change, 
habitat loss, and illegal poaching.

Select from a wide variety of symbolic adoption options, like a single snow 
leopard, a polar bear family, or a pair of lovable panda cubs.  All of the 
money raised through these adoptions will go to protect these animals in the 
wild, along with the habitat and healthy environment that they -- and we -- 
depend on.

Visit WWF's Winter Adoption Center today and complete all of your holiday 
shopping early!

We make it easy for you to buy gifts for everyone in one simple visit.  And, 
when you make more than one adoption, you'll receive a WWF thermal beverage 
container as an extra thank you.

Please tell your friends about the WWF Adoption Center.  Best wishes for the 
holiday season and thanks for all you do!


Randy Snodgrass
Director, Government Relations
World Wildlife Fund
Washington, DC

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Direct any questions about the WWF Conservation Action Network to
The Conservation Action Network is sponsored by World Wildlife Fund-US.  Known
worldwide by its panda logo, WWF is dedicated to protecting the world's 
wildlife and
the rich biological diversity that we all need to survive.  The leading 
supported international conservation organization in the world, WWF has 
more than 2,000 projects in 116 countries and has more than 1 million members in
the United States.  WWF calls on everyone -- government, industry, and 
 -- to take responsibility by taking action to save our living planet.

World Wildlife Fund
1250 Twenty-fourth Street, NW
Washington, DC  20037

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