la poupee parergon... virtual automata ala Hans Bellmer..
these have always reminded me of Bellmer's work
especially the etchings.. he used a cross-hatching technique
which is very wire-frame like..

i would happy as well with some larger still jpgs say 2M of some of the more
gorgeous frames.. like the final frame on the first piece..
of course this is my rather ancient predjudice against the moving
automata.. I broke out Christopher A. Faraone's Talismans and Trojan Horses:
Guardian Statues in Ancient Greek Myth and Ritual.
while watching these which has possibly one of the more easily accessible 
of binding statues and the strange ancient discourse about 'sacred bondage' w/ 
to statues.. I've told you about the apotropaic foot-twisting before, but
I think you might enjoy this material.. There's another important discussion 
the implications of the kinetic vs static "sculptural"  image in Indra Kagis 
Socrate's Ancestor..

If I get inspired I'll type in the wonderous table A4-1 called

The Incarceration of Dangerous Statues

Alan, youre probably one of the only artists I've seen whose work
even comes close to resonating with this fascinating material.
Even Daniel Tiffany completely skips over the whole range
of classical automata which was a HUGE disappointment
for me, choosing to focus on the later demonstrably 'historical'
material.. There is a whole swath of ancient mythology which
is basically dealing with ROBOTS.. Even Plato and Aristophanes
make jokes about peripatetic daidala whose flight is equated
with that of a fugitive slave.. if one was to see the statue of Lygodesma
one would go insane, or there would be civil discord, or plague..
this is weirdo magico-aesthetic imbroglio at its finest..\

statue bondage, foot twisting, chimeras.. you've got it all baby

so anyway slip that Kagis McEwen and Faraone in there
and throw out some big giant stills of those monsters

there's one frame where the female torso is curling around
with a kind of shroud like mine.. the way the eyes look is exquisitely
uncanny.. can you imagine those things as real mobiles
with some kind of smart metal fabric for skin with inflatable bladders
inside controlled remotely.. we could build some kinetic humanoid
topos like that somehow it seems, a fibreglass frame some servos
a plastic mesh body covered in latex and hooked up to a nitrogen
feed.. something..

these should be in the tate

----- Original Message -----
From: "Alan Sondheim" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, January 09, 2006 2:32 AM
Subject: two films for large projection

two films for large projection

yes, yes, yes, the film was found in a ceiling.
honestly, sealed up in the boards. brian gave it to me.
8mm which originated in 1932 but the images are much older.
i'd say from 1920 or so perhaps 1915 perhaps 1905.
even this version chattered in the projector
broke five times in the projector.
now there's this image on top of it.
two versions of the image melded unmelded.
then what's what.
now the image melded unmelded projected ten fifteen feet up there.
dancers are below. oh they want to jump on the bodies.
they want the bodies to jump on them.
someone on someone sometime <--> how is the world 10m 8m

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