There's a link uniting performance art, risk, presence and, of course
nudity. Not considering the fact that nudity, in various cases, do not
attract the issue of sexuality in performance, it is, however, one of
the most frequent procedures for it is at the core of any conception
of artistic research taking body as a "primary medium" (Semitotics of
I've been considering that one of the hypothesis for the insistence on
nutidty in performance is the overall influence of Marcel Duchamp. His
"Nude descending the staircases" imposed a certain new notion about
nudity in art, proposing it as a continuous movement. One cannot
despise de role of this image in post-modern/contemporary art's
Lucio BR

On 9/19/06, Alan Sondheim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Probably not the first book; there are a lot of books on Gk & Roman stuff
and I have one on Egyptian sexuality revealed in graffiti etc. But maybe
I'm wrong. - Alan

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