HEY!  Let's be perfectly diminuitive here.. I follow it only on a poetic level. 
 So... I suppose
your motivational limit is perfectly appropriate, here, Jim.


--- Jim Piat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Ah yes, thanks--  that was my dim and uncertain memory.  
> I just checked Fiegenbaum on the internet. I think I read it lst in Gleick.  
> But as I say I only
> follow it on a popular level and think that's probably close to my limit.  
> So that's good enough for me  -- some association, the nature of which I 
> leave for you and Alan
> to weigh. 
> Thank!
> Jim Piat
>   Check out Feigenbaum constants. You have to trudge through some heavy 
> mathematics, but the
> connection is there between chaos and the golden mean.
>   m


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