I've been amazed by the recent work of Marina Abramovic called Balkan Erotic Epic, which is in some aspects connected to this discussion. Now the exhibition arrived here in Sao Paulo but I can quote one of its shows in English:
Having to work in this subject for the purpose of a lecture on her performances, I noticed how familiar are some of these pagan rituals to some of our conceptions on sexuality.
Lucio BR

On 10/8/06, Alan Sondheim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

This is fascinating. Given the way desire operates, one might say all sex,
at least possibly masculine sex, is masturbation - certainly if based on
what's considered the economy of exchange.

On the other hand, given such an overdetermined subject or locus, I think
almost any position, any theory, holds to an extent. Since it's a psycho-
analytical positioning to some extent, I don't feel that either verifica-
tion procedures or testability is necessarily possible.

- Alan

On Sun, 8 Oct 2006, Dr. T. Michael Roberts wrote:

> Or make it the absent center of a discursive structure
> that only attains coherence and closure on permission
> that this center, this center which everything refers
> to but which is never presented, is what the discourse
> is structured around or, more simply, what it is
> about. What if masturbation is real sex and other sex
> is real only to the extent that it performs a core
> script iterated endlessly as tropes of masturbatory
> fantasy?
> What if the traumatic real being hidden is an absence
> of anything for the script of desire to refer to or be
> about? What if the script itself is a purloined letter
> hidden in plain sight? What if "we were afraid to
> touch it" is, like zero, a place holder, a necessary
> way of signifying nothing which is necessary to making
> signification possible.
> --- Alan Sondheim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> For me the discourse is dialectical; masturbation
>> etc. occurs among the
>> primate and a number of other animals. So it's a
>> question of representa-
>> tion. So I would imagine that masturbation would be
>> presenced everywhere -
>> even an absent discourse would indicate a
>> problematic around the act.
>> - Alan
>> On Sun, 8 Oct 2006, Dr. T. Michael Roberts wrote:
>>> Orgy paintings were common on the walls of Roman
>>> villas. Sex was not taken to be as much a private
>>> matter at that time. These painting were displayed
>> in
>>> public areas, not in private bedrooms. Many of the
>>> Minoan "Bull-jumping" frescos seem to have a
>> sexual
>>> element. Public orgies were as much a part of
>> public
>>> life in Carthage as July 4th parades are in modern
>>> America and were displayed in public art.
>>> The danger in talking about "sexuality" is that it
>> is
>>> itself an effect of discourse constructed through
>> a
>>> discourse process marked by the constraints of a
>>> particular cultural time and place and by the
>>> positioning of both narrator and intended audience
>>> within that culture. Plato has Socrates mention a
>>> popular prostitute of the time, Diotima, in the
>>> Symposium. Symposium originally meant "drinking
>> party"
>>> and prostitutes were routinely hired to entertain
>> at
>>> such gathering. A good source on all of this is
>>> Reading, Writing, and Rewriting the Prostitute
>> Body by
>>> Shannon Bell.
>>> --- mpalmer <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:
>>>> So many things to think about with this topic,
>> but
>>>> one question that
>>>> comes to mind is this: When were the first images
>> to
>>>> appear in art of
>>>> individuals masturbating? Or what about the first
>>>> mention in a
>>>> literary work? I can't think of anything from
>>>> ancient Greece, nor
>>>> from India, etc. but that's just off the top of
>> my
>>>> head. Maybe
>>>> somebody better versed in this stuff than I would
>>>> know.
>>>> m
>>>> On Oct 7, 2006, at 8:04 PM, Alan Sondheim wrote:
>>>>> After the Kali Tal nettime blasting and my
>>>> response, I'm hesitant
>>>>> to send this out. But I'm proud of this work,
>> and
>>>> its association
>>>>> of sexuality, dance, freedom and degradation -
>>>> rendering the
>>>>> reader, at least myself, uncomfortable. And this
>>>> is definitely from
>>>>> a mail viewpoint, or at least a ghostly male
>>>> choreographer's
>>>>> viewpoing? Or is it? There's a whole area of
>>>> performance that's
>>>>> open to question.
>>>>> I'm responding re: below and in some of the
>> other
>>>> dance-texts I've
>>>>> written
>>>>> - to the fundamentally Apollonian / cool nature
>> of
>>>> western dance,
>>>>> where eroticism is buried. Think of gender
>>>> relations in ballet, or
>>>>> the cool efficaceous computerized choreographies
>>>> of Cunningham, or
>>>>> Rainer's slow and steadied presentation. Early
>>>> dance - what a
>>>>> catastrophic term - often involved sexuality re:
>>>> fertility rites,
>>>>> etc. I apologize for the general- ization.
>> Dance,
>>>> in short, often
>>>>> involved caressing, fucking, rapture, frisson,
>>>> that was seemingly
>>>>> real. What I'm writing into is the Dionysian.
>>>>> The difference might be between the aesthetics
>> of
>>>> eroticism and the
>>>>> non- aesthetics of pornography, and here I'm on
>>>> shakier ground, but
>>>>> I'm not talking about a pornography which
>>>> denigrates women or
>>>>> anyone for that matter. Eroticism flourishes in
>>>> the dance, but of
>>>>> course only goes so far - the rest might be left
>>>> up to the strip-
>>>>> club, which serves (if that's the right word) a
>>>> very different
>>>>> purpose. (The ground is falling away.) So these
>>>> are dances which
>>>>> won't be performed but could be - dances which
>>>> would close
>>>>> theaters, ruin reputations. The descriptions are
>>>> obviously the
>>>>> barest outlines; you can fill in the rest
>>>> yourself.
>>>>> ====
>>>>> The Lek
>>>>> Sex dances for one to four people.
>>>>> The dancers are nude. There are no props.
>>>>> Male dances alone while masturbating. He dances
>>>> until he cums.
>>>>> Female dances alone while masturbating. She
>> dances
>>>> until she cums.
>>>>> Tethered: Male dances with his prick in a
>>>> partner's mouth. The partner
>>>>> crouches, mostly immobile.
>>>>> Tethered: Female dances prone above a male
>> partner
>>>> with his prick in
>>>>> her cunt. The dance continues until one or both
>> of
>>>> them have cum.
>>>>> Tethered: Female dances prone coupling with a
>>>> female partner. The
>>>>> dance
>>>>> ends as above.
>>>>> Tethered: Male dances prone, coupling with a
>> male
>>>> partner. The dance
>>>>> ends when both have cum.
>>>>> Tethered: Male or female dances with his or her
>>>> mouth on a partner's
>>>>> prick. The dances continues until the dancer or
>>>> partner have cum.
>>>>> Tethered: Male dances with one hand holding his
>>>> prick erect.
>>>>> Tethered: Male dances with his cock in a cunt or
>>>> asshole. The
>>>>> partner is
>>>>> on all fours.
>>>>> Tethered: Female dances with one hand in her
>> cunt.
>>>>> Tethered: Female dances with one or more
>>>> partners' fingers in her
>>>>> cunt.
>>>>> Variant Tethered: Male dances with one or more
>>>> partners' fingers in
>>>>> his
>>>>> asshole. The dance ends when one or both have
>> cum.
>>>>> Variant Tethered: Female dances with one or more
>>>> partners' fingers in
>>>>> her asshole. The dance ends as above.
>>>>> Tethered: Male or female dances with her
>> partner's
> === message truncated ===
> "In so far as literature turns back on itself and examines parodies or treats ironically its own signifying procedures, it becomes the most complex account of signification we possess." – John Deely
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