theme smears  sure blessed ~
            pre  doubt led slot A lone
            fez seder ma sent self thanks          [Zed ed yEss dear
Malenkopf kelf thang ]
            and a man felt weary

>  til ne´y a spas destined butters
> none one sent discriment pasts
> pierce the vail & eagle ant mines
> diet in a warranty sinfilled  cun  try
> far away & all alone but
> you and i killed them so
> it does not concern you
> but il faut vous preparer
> quand meme prepare
> yourself lest you go ugly
> you need to learn beauty
> to be able to die all you
> think of is gaining land
> like the dutch aim to conquer it
> from the sea, une autre chose,
> tout a fait c´est vrai c´est trop
> tard, tout a fait mais vous savez
> la tragedie c´ est clean c´est
> sans espoire, no messy
> complications clean
> as a whistle we have seen
> the first hanging, the second
> hanging is underway, we´re
> on the third chair we can hear the legs
> of the
> second chair scraping the floor
> you never die with your boots on
> before the
> chair tops over anyway
> they will have stopped being your boots
> an eternity ago  so no it´s not very nice, zero
> killed, spielberg the schwindler
> etats unie this talk of state
> these nameless states
> insisting in the emptiness i mean
> of the image, the after-image
> the glowing stars/stripes
> soon a bejin souvenir well
> the budget has by now
> long since left the building
> the measure
> of love is to
> love without measure
> the text you are reading
> is what I am writing now
> while watching Eloge de l´amour
> needing to kill beaty to know it,
> so f*ck alla g*d´s art
> it´s all so damn impolite
> & we are both
> lost in the end
> on a un projet, des choses, no
> a lost cause to gain, nothing
> to lose i´d borrow you what
> little time i have, nothing to
> repay in 5 months click 4
> details start counting 321 0
> out now another hole to plumb
> ----- Original Message ----
> Sent: Saturday, 14 October, 2006 7:06:14 AM
> Subject: Re: ah tu veut dire un quoi
> positive descrimination
> bordeaux  i've been there  spice trade  slave trade
> tho no slaves ever entered bordeaux  nice place  where's the jewish
> cemetery  i ask
> there is none says a life long resident
> tho the traffic sign we justpassed pointed in that direction
> with the words in french  jewish cemetery
> but i love the french love bordeaux  paris  goin there soon for 2 
> months
> but ....
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