fun  duh  mental case: ~
                             rag Odium-slob noo

15:23 10/16/06 642 bytes

I. Simple uses.

    1. a. The fact or state of being hated or exposed to hatred (as a
condition affecting the
object); (also) an instance of this (now rare).
    b. Hatred, dislike; aversion, contempt. (As a feeling or quality of
the subject.)

    2. The reproach or shame attached to or incurred by a particular act
or fact; opprobrium;
disgrace. Also: an instance of this; a taint, slur.

    3. An object of hatred or dislike. Obs.

    II. Compounds.

    4. a. odium theologicum [< classical Latin odium ODIUM n. +
theologicum, neuter of theologicus
THEOLOGIC a.], hatred of the kind which proverbially characterizes
theological disputes.
             eg....1999 N.Y. Rev. Bks. 4 Mar. 25/1 It is understandable
that they should arouse
the kind of ideological hostility,
                     almost an odium theologicum, that confronted the
Freud exhibition.

    b. Hence, applied to other subjects or areas of dispute, as odium
academicum (academic),
aestheticum (aesthetic), archaeologicum (archaeological),biologicum
(biological), ethicum
(ethical), medicum (medical), musicum (musical), philologicum
(philological), philosophicum
(philosophical), scholasticum (scholarly), etc.
            eg....1997 N.Y. Rev. Bks. 20 Nov. 39/1 She offers no real
evidence to support these
speculations, and one might rather suspect that the cause was odium

     c. accomodates the compound "Odium-slob"
            eg.... 2006 Personal Communication with Steve Dalachinsky at
WrYters Listserve Theory and
                     Writing <WRYTING-L@LISTSERV.WVU.EDU> 15:23 10/16/06
612 bytes. And so it is
we all share the shaping up
                     of a rag Odium-slob noosphere juxtaposition

The part of the biosphere occupied by thinking humanity; spec. (with
reference to the writing of
P. Teilhard de Chardin) a stage or sphere of evolutionary development
characterized by (the
emergence or dominance of) consciousness, the mind, and interpersonal
relationships, postulated as
following the stage of the establishment of human life. Also fig.

1930 Jrnl. Philos. 27 499 This amounts to imagining, above the animal
biosphere and continuing it,
a human sphere, the sphere of reflection, of conscious and free
invention, of thought strictly
speaking, in short, the sphere of mind or noosphere. 1945 Amer. Scientist
33 9 There arises the
problem of the reconstruction of the biosphere in the interests of freely
thinking humanity as a
single totality. This new state of the the nošsphere. 1953
J. S. HUXLEY Evol. in
Action iv. 110 It provides a new kind of environment for life to inhabit.
It needs a name of its
own: following Pre Teilhard de Chardin, the French paleontologist and
philosopher, I shall call
it the nšosphere, the world of mind. 1970 Sci. Amer. Sept. 53/3 Just
before his [sc. Vernadsky's]
death..he wrote..ÔI think that we undergo not only a historical, but a
planetary change as well.
We live in a transition to the noosphere.Õ By noosphere Vernadsky meant
the envelope of mind that
was to supersede the biosphere. 1996 Wired May 158/1 We swim in
imagination and bring the
noosphere alive with collective consciousness. 2006 Personal
Communication with Steve Dalachinsky
at [EMAIL PROTECTED] CC: WrYters Listserve Theory and Writing
15:23 10/16/06 612 bytes. And so it is we all share the shaping up of a
rag Odium-slob noosphere

fete a fait 


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