what artist could he be in the end,
> trying to outlast green underpants?

 what a great line.
i've got a bagged edition of I think  Fu Manchu's
Daughter if you want it. Send me your snail
and its yours if I can find it. if not, thx for
the cheering upness. gave me a "snortle"?


> abject thunder mixed with cruel warnings spell Fu Manchu in green
> underpants. this is dismal, saith Fu Manchu. the green is less than
> green of eyes, or the speed with which lightning dots out eyes. green
> underpants for the sinister scowling pumping machine in evil's quest.
> yet minions abroad allow for no restitution or calm change. well this
> must be dealt with, said Fu Manchu implacably, dilating on the terms of
> expecting a world at his feet. what artist could he be in the end,
> trying to outlast green underpants? suddenly the door flies open.
> Nayland-Smith and Petrie, guns in one hand (for both of them) and
> electric torches in the other (likewise both). we have found you in your
> lair, said Nayland-Smith, with steelly grey eyes determined to see the
> thing thru. you see my green underpants! shrieked Fu Manchu, as would
> you. keep a bead on him, Petrie, said Nayland-Smith grandly. and so the
> thunder and lightning crackled and thumped in the newsy air. fraught
> moment lingered... lingered... lingered... (wait for it)... lingered...
> trial balloons associated with progress, Bill Gates (self-taught evil)
> gtalks to mountains, Nordic skies on a snowy lump of earth....
> inexorable days pass, exorable ones pass, winter turns to spring, spring
> exacts blossoms, blossoms make apples... now wait a second, said Fu
> Manchu (the enchanter of evil), apples as green as underpants (it makes
> him think)... tempus fugit, all by itself... this is England and
> civilization to save, barked Nayland-Smith, “Mrs Brown you've got a
> lovely daughter”, hummed Petrie with skittish delight. tall like a piece
> of ice, the diabolical doctor shivers. his green underpants are a warren
> of self-doubt. can the world be, um, conquered? he wonders in his
> weakness. rains lasts until it stops. dank London implementation of
> climatic conditions clutter the spellbound. I still have a bead on him,
> sputters Petrie. Nayland-Smith fumbles for his pipe. there's dottle in
> the bowl, which he expertly removes. dottle, pah! says Nayland-Smith. Dr
> Fu Manchu considers the chemical possibilities of dottle mixed with
> alchemical wonders, with evil as an antidote to the current situation.
> dire wind sounds the same old day. and when the day is done, more news,
> more wet news...

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