Thanks for reminding me of this---i feel like this most of the time, especially 
when writing poems---then i seem to end up with a poem


Jim Piat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:        
    ----- Original Message ----- 
   From:    Thomas    savage 
   Sent: Tuesday, May 01, 2007 1:18 PM
   Subject: Re: Very short lecture by John    Cage

   In a video interview John Cage did toward the end of his life, he said:    
"I have nothing to say and I am saying it" and smiled his beautiful smile into  
  the camera.  This statement seems to be, to me, if not the sole essence    of 
Cage's program, at least one of them.  I say that as someone who has    
listened to his music most of my life, taught his poems to my students, and    
who met him once.  His memory and his example mean a great deal to    me.  
Regards, Tom Savage

Dear, dear    Tom,
   That's a saying a lot.  Reminds me of    Dostoevsky's Notes from Underground 
(everything I like does)and that famous    line from Judgment at Nuremburg  "I 
was aware".  
   I worked for a few years in state prisons     -- that line haunts me.  But 
mostly because of what I know of    myself.  God bless John Cage for exposing 
another one last    truth.   We are all aware, we all know it and there is 
nowhere    to hide.  Say what we will.  There is nothing more or less to say    
and he said it -- but I just like repeating it for the feel of it in my    
   Best  wishes--

Lewis LaCook
Director of Web Development
Abstract Outlooks Media

Abstract Outlooks Media - Premium Web Hosting, Development, and Art Photography - New Media Poetry and Poetics
Xanax Pop - the Poetry of Lewis LaCook


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