If you've got a spare minute could you have a look at http://glenn.bluemountains.net.au/dev/joel/

I've been converting what was a mis-mash of css/table layout to pure css. I've got most of it done, but one last thing is stuffing it up. Down the bottom of the main column there are supposed to be 2 rounded corners. You can see them floating off the bottom.

I can't see why it's doing this. The corners are contained in divs (.se, .sw, .ne, .nw) with the following css

.nw, .ne, .sw, .se
    width : 9px;
    height : 9px;

background:url(http://www.joelblain.com/web/graphics/nw.gif) no-repeat top left;
float : left;

background:url(http://www.joelblain.com/web/graphics/ne.gif) no-repeat top right;
float : right;

background:url(http://www.joelblain.com/web/graphics/sw.gif) no-repeat bottom left;
float : left;

background:url(http://www.joelblain.com/web/graphics/se.gif) no-repeat bottom right;
float : right;

Any & all help is greatly appreciated


"Religion and science are opposed, but only in the same sense as that in which my thumb and forefinger are opposed - and between the two, one can grasp everything" - Sir William Bragg.

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