
So the navigation that ColdFusion creates is above, and I would welcome any feedback you can give me. Any suggestions on how to tidy up the CSS or HTML?

Several display issues (without looking at the code).

1) None of the current Mac browsers, AFAIK, currently display PDFs in the browser window (by default, that is, without a third party plug-in). So your frame setup won't work unless the question pages are in HTML. (All of the PDF links will open in the Adobe or Apple PDF readers.)

2) In non-IE browsers the left hand column appears in a completely expanded form. One very long column of links. This could be explained by the fact that the Javascript code used to expand the links is written explicitly for IE only. This makes me cross.

3) The header does not behave itself in IE5 Mac or Mozilla Mac. Looks OK in the beautifully well-behaved Safari.

4) In IE 5 and Mozilla the "Sample 1" icon in each question seems to repeat itself, with an overlap. Even more bizarrely, the left hand, underneath version of the icon actually drifts a few pixels off the left hand border of the Mozilla browser. In Safari, no doubling up of the "Sample 1" icon, but *all" of the icons drift left off the left hand border of the browser.

Looks as though you may want to go to browsercam right away.

-Hugh Todd :)

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