
I realise that users will have to download acrobat. The pages cannot be in
HTML because they are student hand-writing samples. They also need to be

Yes, I thought graphics may be an issue here. But just to clarify, PDF files do not display in Mac browsers these days, even with a download of the Adobe Reader (which comes preloaded on Macs anyway, along with the Apple graphic reader which also handles PDFs). Someone has come up with a shareware plug-in, I believe, but I don't know how well it works or whether any browsers have problems with it.

Sorry to be the bearer of bad tidings.

One solution might be to use Macromedia's technology to turn the pages into "Flash paper" (essentially static Flash pages, as I understand it) which would work cross-browser and print without problems.

Anyone got a better solution involving our dearly beloved CSS and some sort of parser for the original files?


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