Jaime, this is not a CSS list so no apology required. You are definitely

Unless you want to tell your client to "go all the way" I suggest you tell
them that they are clutching for buzzwords by demanding XHTML 1.0 Strict (or
anything beyond XHTML 1.0 Transitional). If they continue to demand it and
you want to do it properly, you'll need to change the mime-type of the
documents sent in the header from the server and do it properly. No argument
what-so-ever if you do it properly and actually have a need to use the
structured data. I doubt that you do have that need.

I recommend (as we at webboy do frequently with (potential) clients touting
buzzwords) that you re-educate the client, and if it's only page mark-up you
need (with no structured data required in the document) then HTML 4.01 is
arguably still the "latest" appropriate mark-up language to use.

If you haven't seen it already, please read the Mark Stanton message on the


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