Whoohoooo!  I just launched my first near-compliant site. It's the first of
5 I'm working on at the moment, all built from scratch to XHTML1.0 Strict.
This one has a couple of xhtml validation errors that I'm not sure whether
to bother with or not - it's a question of how much can I afford to tinker
with it given the penury I'm forced to live under.

Anyway, it's a subject that has very little sex-appeal, for a client that
wants a site that looks staid and steady because of who his own clients are.
But the site is compliant apart from the graphics and the target in the
footer.  It loads in a fraction of the time it took the old one to load.

Have a look if you like.  I think I've kind of made a silk purse out of a
sow's ear with this one.   http://metacoustics.com.au   I'm eager to hear
what y'all think of it.

Mike Kear
Windsor, NSW, Australia
AFP Webworks

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