Hello folks,

<rant>I have reached the end of my patience with am about to ditch XHTML/CSS as
a realistic working method and go back to using HTML tables until the technology
has matured enough to be ready for the big-time. Yet again I have a valid XHTML
transitional site that refuses to render correctly in IEx. This is my 3rd site
in a row that has come up with one IE bug after another. I am spending more time
on hacking for IE than I am in building the damn sites!</rant>

Can anyone save me from turing back to the dark side and see where the problem
lies on this page for example...? 


If you look on any version of IE you'll see the 3 graphics along the top break
and the end one wraps underneath. They are supposed to be aligned | 1 | 2 | 3 |
and they do in Mozilla, Firebird/fox, Opera. 

I have researched online all the IE specific bugs and come to the conclusion
that IE does not like the pixel perfect dimensions and is (for some reason)
saying the graphics are too big for the container. I have tried the Tan Hack and
the Holly Hack which fix half the issues but am still seeing errors.

SkyRocket Design Co

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