Those are some good links. Thanks for sharing.
I normally use "Arial, Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif". Seems like Verdana is the preferred choice here but I feel that Arial is easier to read because it is not as spread out. Correct me if I am wrong. 
With Regards,
Jaime Wong
SODesires Design Team
-------Original Message-------
Date: 03/06/04 21:19:54
Subject: [WSG] Re: font-family : what fonts do you set as default?
At 19:40 6/3/2004 +1100, Neerav wrote:
>I usually use "font-family : Verdana, sans-serif;" As I find Verdana to be
>a very clear, easy to read font that scales well for small text, normal
>paragraph text and large headings alike
A friend send to me this link:
This a survey reveal the commons fonts presents in the plataforms (Mac, Win
and Linux) of users. The combined results is there:
Adobe's sites publish years before a list of fonts presents by default on
the various versions of Windows. I think this information off line now. But
I get a copy for me and assemble this:
(Yes, I kwon, dumb proprietary file format...)
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